Ensemble is part of KONFETTI (ragnö morceaux di primavera), 4 site – specific interventions for Una Boccata d’Arte 2021, a project by Elpis Foundation in collaboration with Continua Gallery
«KONFETTI (rägnò morceaux di primavera), in Italian CORIANDOLI (piovono frammenti di primavera) came from the desire to embrace in a single title the linguistic richness of Gressoney-Saint-Jean. The works, created together with the inhabitants, are an expression of a joyful mood and the voice of the different souls of the village». Giuseppina Giordano for Una Boccata d’Arte 2021.

Text by Alice Previtali
For Una Boccata d’Arte, the interdependent artist Giuseppina Giordano has conceived the work KONFETTI, from the German «confetti»: a project that compiles a layered narrative that leads to a gradual approach to Gressoney-Saint-Jean, made possible through digital images and stories, before arriving at a creative process that does not just express participation but real co-authorship with the people who live in the village every day.
Giordano’s work is made up by four site-specific installations. MORCEAUX DI PRIMAVERA (2021) is a large outdoor sculpture, made with metal plates shaped according to the peaks of the mountains surrounding Lake Gover, decorated with flowers drawn by children called by the local elementary and middle schools.
SEI UNA NUVOLA DI ZUCCHERO (2021), in English YOU ARE A CLOUD OF SUGAR, is a sound installation that combines voice messages in various indigenous languages that the inhabitants of Gressoney recorded at the invitation of the artist and spread through loudspeakers in Obre Platz. These messages are transcribed on edible biscuits, KONFETTI (2021), wrapped in an iridescent red wrapping, which cover the bridge over Lake Gover. Pedestrians are invited to take them and enjoy them to trigger a multisensory experience.
ENSEMBLE (2021) is a painting realized by the artist together with local painters. It is placed in an icebox, on an easel resting on a bed of fragrant pine branches; the elements portrayed are a fireplace and a fox. Gressoney becomes the stage for the artist’s participatory visions, in which the inhabitants are the main protagonists.