Una Boccata d’Arte a Rai Radio 1

Oggi sarò ospite, insieme ad Alice Previtali, di Estate con Noi su Rai Radio 1 alle ore 12.45 per parlare di Una Boccata d’Arte, una rassegna di arte contemporanea promossa da Fondazione Elpis e Galleria Continua, per la quale ho realizzato un progetto a Gressoney-Saint-Jean (AO) che verrà inaugurato sabato 26.

Per maggiori informazioni sul progetto: Una Boccata D’Arte


Una boccata d’arte, Gressoney-Saint-Jean, Saturday 26 June

Una Boccata d’Arte is a project by Fondazione Elpis, in collaboration with Galleria Continua, and the participation of Threes Productions, that gives full creative freedom to the artist and allows the use of any artistic media, exploring various themes that dialogue in a convincing way with the villages.

Giuseppina Giordano has been selected for the village Gressoney-Saint-Jean that will host the exhibition Konfetti (rägnò morceaux di primavera), in English CONFETTI (fragments of spring raining down)

The opening will be held on Saturday 26 June from 11am to 8pm in Obre Platz, 11025 Gressoney-Saint-Jean (AO).

«KONFETTI (rägnò morceaux di primavera), in Italian CORIANDOLI (piovono frammenti di primavera) came from the desire to embrace in a single title the linguistic richness of Gressoney-Saint-Jean. The works, created together with the inhabitants, are an expression of a joyful mood and the voice of the different souls of the village». Giuseppina Giordano

For more information Una boccata d’arte 2021

Cantica21, Italian Contemporary Art Everywhere

Cantica21, Italian Contemporary Art Everywhere /design by LeftLoft

Corolla Sketches is among the winning projects of Cantica21, Italian Contemporary Art Everywhere,  the funded project launched by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – MAECI (DGSP – directorate general, country system and autonomous territorial entities) and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism – MiBACT (DGCC – directorate general of contemporary creativity) to support and promote Italian contemporary art.

Continue reading “Cantica21, Italian Contemporary Art Everywhere”

COROLLA, Waiting for Spring, United during the COVID-19 outbreak, 2020

COROLLA Waiting for Spring, United during COVID-19 outbreak A project by Giuseppina Giordano Illustration & design: Matteo Signorelli

A World of grief and pain,

flowers bloom

even then


Spring is coming and we can celebrate its arrival by turning the spread of COVID-19 around the globe into a chance to show each other care and kindness, delicate as flowers, united against discriminations and prejudices as a SINGLE human family! Continue reading “COROLLA, Waiting for Spring, United during the COVID-19 outbreak, 2020”

THE WALL OF DELICACY at BAM Biennale Arcipelago Mediterranaeo, PALERMO, ITALY

From the 1st to the 6th of December, 11 am to 6 pm, in Piazza Pretoria, Palermo (or in the atrium of Palazzo Bonocore in case of bad weather conditions), the artist invites citizens to take part in the meditation practice and in the realization of the work.
On the 7th of December, 8 am to 9 pm, THE WALL OF DELICACY will be installed in Piazza Pretoria, between the Fountain and Saint Catherine.


Continue reading “THE WALL OF DELICACY at BAM Biennale Arcipelago Mediterranaeo, PALERMO, ITALY”